Source code for cervmongo.main

#  Copyright 2020 Anthony "antcer1213" Cervantes <>
#  MIT License
#  Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
#  of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
#  in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
#  to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
#  copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
#  furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
#  The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
#  copies or substantial portions of the Software.
__all__ = ["SUPPORT_GRIDFS", "get_client", "get_doc", "SyncIOClient", "SyncIODoc"]

from os import path as os_path
from pymongo import MongoClient
from pymongo import WriteConcern
from dateutil.parser import parse as dateparse
import types
from jsonschema import validate
from functools import partial
import typing
import copy

from .models import (
from .vars import (
from .utils import (
from .config import Config

    from gridfs import GridFSBucket
    SUPPORT_GRIDFS = True #: True if gridfs functionality is available else False
    logger.warning("gridfs is not installed")
    SUPPORT_GRIDFS = False #: True if gridfs functionality is available else False
    class GridFSBucket: pass # NOTE: in case of refereneces

_CollectionClientType = typing.TypeVar("CollectionClient")

[docs]class SyncIOClient(MongoClient): """ High-level MongoClient subclass with additional methods added for ease-of-use, having some automated conveniences and defaults. """ _MONGO_URI = lambda _: getattr(Config, "MONGO_URI", None) #: Valid MongoDB URI, defaults to Config.MONGO_URI if not supplied _DEFAULT_COLLECTION = None _KWARGS = None #: saves originally supplied kwargs, if a reload is required _LOGGING_COND_GET = None _LOGGING_COND_POST = None _LOGGING_COND_PUT = None _LOGGING_COND_PATCH = None _LOGGING_COND_DELETE = None _LIST_MODE:bool = False def __init__(self, mongo_uri:typing.Optional[str]=None, default_collection:typing.Optional[str]=None, **kwargs): self._MONGO_URI = mongo_uri or self._MONGO_URI if callable(self._MONGO_URI): self._MONGO_URI = self._MONGO_URI() self._DEFAULT_COLLECTION = default_collection or self._DEFAULT_COLLECTION if kwargs: self._KWARGS = kwargs.copy() for kwarg in kwargs.keys(): if kwarg.lower() in ('logging_cond_get', 'logging_cond_post', 'logging_cond_put', 'logging_cond_patch', 'logging_cond_delete'): setattr(self, kwarg.upper(), kwargs.pop(kwarg)) MongoClient.__init__(self, self._MONGO_URI, **kwargs) self._LIST_MODE = Config.LIST_MODE db = self.get_default_database() if not getattr(db, "name", None): logger.warning("database not provided in MONGO_URI, assign with method set_database") logger.warning("gridfsbucket not instantiated due to missing database") else: global SUPPORT_GRIDFS if SUPPORT_GRIDFS: logger.debug("gridfsbucket instantiated under self.FILES") self.FILES = GridFSBucket(db) else: logger.warning("gridfsbucket not instantiated due to missing 'gridfs' package") self.FILES = None def __repr__(self): db = self.get_default_database() if not getattr(db, "name", None) or == "None": return "<cervmongo.SyncIOClient>" else: return f"<cervmongo.SyncIOClient.{}>" def _process_record_id_type(self, record): one = False if isinstance(record, str): one = True if "$oid" in record: record = {"$in": [json_load(record), record]} else: try: record = {"$in": [DOC_ID.__supertype__(record), record]} except: pass elif isinstance(record, DOC_ID.__supertype__): record = record one = True elif isinstance(record, dict): keys = record.keys() if any(["$oid" in keys, "$regex" in keys]): record = json_dump(record) record = json_load(record) one = True return (record, one)
[docs] def enable_list_mode(self) -> None: """ enables _LIST_MODE """ self._LIST_MODE = True
[docs] def disable_list_mode(self) -> None: """ disables _LIST_MODE """ self._LIST_MODE = False
[docs] def get_list_mode(self) -> None: """ returns value of _LIST_MODE """ return self._LIST_MODE
[docs] def set_database(self, database:str) -> None: """ is used to change or set database of client instance, also changes db in Config class """ Config.set_mongo_db(database) if self._KWARGS: SyncIOClient.__init__(self, mongo_uri=Config.MONGO_URI, default_collection=self._DEFAULT_COLLECTION, **self._KWARGS) else: SyncIOClient.__init__(self, mongo_uri=Config.MONGO_URI, default_collection=self._DEFAULT_COLLECTION)
[docs] def COLLECTION(self, collection:str): """ returns unique `CollectionClient <#cervmongo.main.cervmongo.main.SyncIOClient.COLLECTION.CollectionClient>`_ class instance Be aware, CollectionClient is NOT a valid MongoClient. To access the original SyncIOClient instance, use method get_client of CollectionClient instance. """ self._DEFAULT_COLLECTION = collection class CollectionClient: """Convenience class that auto-supplies collection to all upper-cased SyncIOClient methods, where required""" __parent__ = CLIENT = self #! the original SyncIOClient instance # INFO: variables _DEFAULT_COLLECTION = collection #: the default collection assigned _MONGO_URI = self._MONGO_URI #: the MongoDB URI supplied from SyncIOClient instance # INFO: general methods GENERATE_ID = self.GENERATE_ID COLLECTION = self.COLLECTION # INFO: GridFS file operations UPLOAD = self.UPLOAD DOWNLOAD = self.DOWNLOAD ERASE = self.ERASE # INFO: truncated Collection methods INDEX = partial(self.INDEX, collection) ADD_FIELD = partial(self.ADD_FIELD, collection) REMOVE_FIELD = partial(self.REMOVE_FIELD, collection) DELETE = partial(self.DELETE, collection) GET = partial(self.GET, collection) POST = partial(self.POST, collection) PUT = partial(self.PUT, collection) PATCH = partial(self.PATCH, collection) REPLACE = partial(self.REPLACE, collection) SEARCH = partial(self.SEARCH, collection) PAGINATED_QUERY = partial(self.PAGINATED_QUERY, collection) def __repr__(s): return "<cervmongo.SyncIOClient.CollectionClient>" def get_client(s): return s.CLIENT # ~ if function: # NOTE: Make CollectionClient class a function attr? # ~ setattr(function, "CollectionClient", CollectionClient) # NOTE: Make CollectionClient class a function attr? return CollectionClient()
# ~ COLLECTION.__defaults__ = COLLECTION.__defaults__[:-1] + (COLLECTION,) # NOTE: Make CollectionClient class a function attr?
[docs] def PAGINATED_QUERY(self, collection:typing.Optional[str], limit:int=20, sort:PAGINATION_SORT_FIELDS=PAGINATION_SORT_FIELDS["_id"], after:str=None, before:str=None, page:int=None, endpoint:str="/", ordering:int=-1, query:dict={}, **kwargs): """ Returns paginated results of cursor from the collection query. Available pagination methods: - **Cursor-based (default)** - after - before - limit (results per page, default 20) - **Time-based** (a datetime field must be selected) - sort (set to datetime field) - after (records after this time) - before (records before this time) - limit (results per page, default 20) - **Offset-based** (not recommended) - limit (results per page, default 20) - page """ collection = collection or self._DEFAULT_COLLECTION assert collection, "collection must be of type str" if isinstance(sort, ENUM.__supertype__): sort = sort.value total_docs = self.GET(collection, query, count=True, empty=0) if not page: if sort == "_id": pagination_method = "cursor" else: pagination_method = "time" results = self.GET(collection, query, limit=limit, key=sort, before=before, after=after, sort=ordering, empty=[]).list() else: assert page >= 1, "page must be equal to or greater than 1" pagination_method = "offset" results = self.GET(collection, query, perpage=limit, key=sort, page=page, sort=ordering, empty=[]).list() # INFO: determine 'cursor' template if sort == "_id": template = "_{_id}" else: template = "{date}_{_id}" new_after = None new_before = None if results: _id = results[-1]["_id"] try: date = results[-1][sort].isoformat() except: date = None if len(results) == limit: new_after = template.format(_id=_id, date=date) _id = results[0]["_id"] try: date = results[0][sort].isoformat() except: date = None if any((after, before)): new_before = template.format(_id=_id, date=date) if pagination_method in ("cursor", "time"): if before: check_ahead = self.GET(collection, query, limit=limit, key=sort, before=new_before, count=True, empty=0) if not check_ahead: new_before = None elif after: check_ahead = self.GET(collection, query, limit=limit, key=sort, after=new_after, count=True, empty=0) if not check_ahead: new_after = None response = { "data": results, "details": { "pagination_method": pagination_method, "query": dict_to_query(query), "sort": sort, "unique_id": getattr(self, "_UNIQUE_ID", "_id"), "total": total_docs, "count": len(results), "limit": limit } } endpoint = endpoint # TODO: Refactor if pagination_method in ("cursor", "time"): response["details"]["cursors"] = { "after": new_after, "before": new_before } before_url_template = "{endpoint}?sort={sort}&limit={limit}&before={before}" after_url_template = "{endpoint}?sort={sort}&limit={limit}&after={after}" else: # INFO: pagination_method == "offset" response["details"]["cursors"] = { "prev_page": page - 1 if page > 1 else None, "next_page": page + 1 if (page * limit) <= total_docs else None } before_url_template = "{endpoint}?sort={sort}&limit={limit}&page={page}" after_url_template = "{endpoint}?sort={sort}&limit={limit}&page={page}" if new_before: response["details"]["previous"] = before_url_template.format( endpoint=endpoint, sort=sort, page=page, limit=limit, after=new_after, before=new_before) else: response["details"]["previous"] = None if new_after: response["details"]["next"] = after_url_template.format( endpoint=endpoint, sort=sort, page=page, limit=limit, after=new_after, before=new_before) else: response["details"]["next"] = None return response
PAGINATED_QUERY.clean_kwargs = lambda kwargs: clean_kwargs(ONLY=("limit", "sort", "after", "before", "page", "endpoint", "query"), kwargs=kwargs)
[docs] def GENERATE_ID(self, _id:str=None) -> DOC_ID: """ returns a unique ObjectID, simply for convenience """ if _id: return DOC_ID.__supertype__(_id) else: return DOC_ID.__supertype__()
[docs] def DELETE(self, collection:typing.Optional[str], record_or_records, soft:bool=False, one:bool=False) -> typing.Union[MongoDictResponse, MongoListResponse]: """ deletes the requested document(s) returns MongoDB response document If soft=true, creates collection ('deleted.{collection}') and inserts the deleted document there. field 'oid' is guaranteed to equal the original document's "_id". """ db = self.get_database() collection = collection or self._DEFAULT_COLLECTION assert collection, "collection must be of type str" o_collection = collection[:] collection = db[collection] if not isinstance(record_or_records, (list, tuple)): record_or_records, _one = self._process_record_id_type(record_or_records) one = _one if _one else one if _one: record_or_records = {"_id": record_or_records} else: record_or_records = self._process_record_id_type(record_or_records)[0] if isinstance(record_or_records, dict): if one: data_record = collection.find_one_and_delete(record_or_records) if soft: self.POST("deleted."+o_collection, data_record) return MongoDictResponse(data_record) else: if soft: data_record = self.GET(o_collection, record_or_records).list() [_.update({"oid": _.pop("_id")}) for _ in data_record] self.POST("deleted."+o_collection, data_record) data_record = collection.delete_many(record_or_records) return data_record elif isinstance(record_or_records, (list, tuple)): results = [] for _id in record_or_records: data_record = collection.find_one_and_delete({"_id": _id}) if soft: data_record["oid"] = data_record.pop("_id") self.POST("deleted."+o_collection, data_record) results.append(data_record) return MongoListResponse(self._check_if_list_mode(results)) else: raise TypeError("record_or_records was of invalid type '{}'".format(type(record_or_records)))
[docs] def INDEX(self, collection, key:typing.Union[typing.List, str]="_id", sort:typing.Union[typing.List, int]=1, unique:bool=False, reindex:bool=False) -> None: """ creates an index, however most useful in constraining certain fields as unique """ db = self.get_database() collection = collection or self._DEFAULT_COLLECTION assert collection, "collection must be of type str" collection = db[collection] if reindex: collection.reindex() else: if not isinstance(key, (tuple, list)): key = [key] if not isinstance(sort, (tuple, list)): sort = [sort for _ in range(len(key))] _merged_key = "".join(["".join(_.split()) for _ in key]) _merged_sort = "".join(["Asc" if _ == 1 else "Desc" for _ in sort]) if _merged_key == "TEXT": # INFO: a full text-index is recommended when no fixed schema / document structure is in place try: collection.create_index([("$**", "text")], name="textIndex", background=True) except: # TODO: provide a short clear exception? raise else: name = "{}Index{}".format(_merged_key, _merged_sort) try: if not name in collection.index_information(): collection.create_index([ (_k, sort[_i]) for _i, _k in enumerate(key) ], name=name, background=True, unique=unique) except: # TODO: provide a short clear exception? raise
[docs] def ADD_FIELD(self, collection, field:str, value:typing.Union[typing.Dict, typing.List, str, int, float, bool]=None, data=False, query:dict={}) -> None: """ adds field with value provided to all records in collection that match query kwarg 'data', if provided, is an existing field in the record that can be used as the default value. useful for name changes of fields in schema. """ collection = collection or self._DEFAULT_COLLECTION assert collection, "collection must be of type str" query.update({field: {"$exists": False}}) records = self.GET(collection, query, fields={ data or "_id": True }, empty=[]) for record in records.list(): if data: self.PATCH(collection, record["_id"], {"$set": { field: record[data] }}) else: self.PATCH(collection, record["_id"], {"$set": { field: value }})
[docs] def REMOVE_FIELD(self, collection, field:str, query:dict={}) -> None: """ removes field of all records in collection that match query useful for complete field removal, once field is no longer needed. """ collection = collection or self._DEFAULT_COLLECTION assert collection, "collection must be of type str" query.update({field: {"$exists": True}}) records = self.GET(collection, query, distinct=True) for record in records: self.PATCH(collection, record, {"$unset": {field: ""}})
[docs] def UPLOAD(self, fileobj:typing.Union[typing.IO, str], filename:str=None, content_type:str=None, extension:str=None, **kwargs): """ returns GridFS response document after successful upload fileobj can be either valid filepath or file/file-like object, all other kwargs are stored as meta data """ assert self.FILES, "GridFS instance not initialized, run method 'set_database' with the desired database and try again" fileobj = file_and_fileobj(fileobj) metadata = get_file_meta_information(fileobj, filename=filename, content_type=content_type, extension=extension) filename = metadata['filename'] metadata.update(kwargs) return self.FILES.upload_from_stream(filename, fileobj, metadata=metadata)
[docs] def ERASE(self, filename_or_id:typing.Union[str, DOC_ID], revision:int=-1) -> None: """ deletes the GridFS file. if multiple revisions, deletes most recent by default. filename_or_id can be the _id field value or the filename value. """ assert self.FILES, "GridFS instance not initialized, run method 'set_database' with the desired database and try again" fs_doc = self.DOWNLOAD(filename_or_id, revision=revision) self.FILES.delete(fs_doc._id) fs_doc.close()
[docs] def DOWNLOAD(self, filename_or_id:typing.Optional[typing.Union[str, DOC_ID]]=None, revision:int=-1, skip:int=None, limit:int=None, sort:int=-1, **query): """ returns download stream of file if filename_or_id is provided, else returns a cursor of files matching query """ assert self.FILES, "GridFS instance not initialized, run method 'set_database' with the desired database and try again" revision = int(revision) if filename_or_id: if isinstance(filename_or_id, DOC_ID.__supertype__): return self.FILES.open_download_stream(filename_or_id) else: return self.FILES.open_download_stream_by_name(filename_or_id, revision=revision) return self.FILES.find(query, limit=limit, skip=skip, sort=sort, no_cursor_timeout=True)
[docs] def GET(self, collection, id_or_query:typing.Union[DOC_ID, typing.Dict, str]={}, sort:int=1, key:str="_id", count:bool=None, search:str=None, fields:typing.Optional[typing.Union[typing.List, dict]]=None, page:int=None, perpage:int=False, limit:int=None, after:str=None, before:str=None, empty=None, distinct:str=None, one:bool=False, **kwargs): """ record can be either _id (accepts unicode form of ObjectId, as well as extended JSON bson format) or query Unless certain kwargs are used (count, distinct, one), behaviour is as follows: - if _id is recognized, one is set to true and will return the exact matching document - if query is recognized, will return MongoList response of cursor - if count is provided and _id is not recognized, returns number of documents in cursor - if distinct is provided, returns a unique list of the field values (accepts dot notation) - if one is provided, returns the first matching document of cursor kwargs count, distinct, one cannot be used together, priority is as follows if all are provided: 1. count 2. distinct 3. one """ db = self.get_default_database() collection = collection or self._DEFAULT_COLLECTION assert collection, "collection not provided" if not isinstance(collection, (list, tuple, types.GeneratorType)): collection = [collection] cols = list(set(collection)) results = [] number_of_results = len(cols) if fields: if isinstance(fields, (list, tuple)): fields = {_: True for _ in fields} else: fields = None if distinct == True: distinct = "_id" id_or_query, _one = self._process_record_id_type(id_or_query) one = _one if _one else one if _one: query = {"_id": id_or_query} else: query = id_or_query for collection in cols: collection = db[collection] if query or not search: if count and not limit: if query: results.append(collection.count_documents(query, **kwargs)) else: results.append(collection.estimated_document_count(**kwargs)) elif distinct: results.append(collection.find(query, **kwargs).sort([(key, sort)]).distinct(distinct)) elif perpage: total = (page - 1) * perpage cursor = collection.find(query, projection=fields, **kwargs) results.append(MongoListResponse(self._check_if_list_mode(cursor.sort([(key, sort)]).skip(total).limit(perpage)))) elif limit: if any((query, after, before)): query = {"$and": [ query ]} if after or before: if after: sort_value, _id_value = after.split("_") _id_value = DOC_ID.__supertype__(_id_value) query["$and"].append({"$or": [ {key: {"$lt": _id_value}} ]}) if key != "_id": sort_value = dateparse(sort_value) query["$and"][-1]["$or"].append({key: {"$lt": sort_value}, "_id": {"$lt": _id_value}}) elif before: sort_value, _id_value = before.split("_") _id_value = DOC_ID.__supertype__(_id_value) query["$and"].append({"$or": [ {key: {"$gt": _id_value}} ]}) if key != "_id": sort_value = dateparse(sort_value) query["$and"][-1]["$or"].append({key: {"$gt": sort_value}, "_id": {"$gt": _id_value}}) if count: try: cursor = collection.find(query, fields, **kwargs).sort([(key, sort)]).limit(limit).count(with_limit_and_skip=True) except: cursor = collection.count_documents(query, limit=limit, hint=[(key, sort)], **kwargs) results.append(cursor) else: cursor = collection.find(query, projection=fields, **kwargs).sort([(key, sort)]).limit(limit) results.append(MongoListResponse(self._check_if_list_mode(cursor))) elif one: val = collection.find_one(query, projection=fields, sort=[(key, sort)], **kwargs) results.append(MongoDictResponse(val) if val else empty) else: cursor = collection.find(query, projection=fields, **kwargs).sort([(key, sort)]) results.append(MongoListResponse(self._check_if_list_mode(cursor))) elif search: try: cursor = collection.find({"$text": {"$search": search}}) if count: results.append(cursor.count()) elif distinct: results.append(cursor.distinct(distinct)) if perpage: total = (page - 1) * perpage results.append(MongoListResponse(self._check_if_list_mode(cursor.sort([(key, sort)]).skip(total).limit(perpage)))) else: results.append(MongoListResponse(self._check_if_list_mode(cursor.sort([(key, sort)])))) except: cursor = collection.command('textIndex', search=search) if count: results.append(cursor.count()) elif distinct: results.append(cursor.distinct(distinct)) if perpage: total = (page - 1) * perpage results.append(MongoListResponse(self._check_if_list_mode(cursor.sort([(key, sort)]).skip(total).limit(perpage)))) else: results.append(MongoListResponse(self._check_if_list_mode(cursor.sort([(key, sort)])))) else: raise Error("unidentified error") if number_of_results == 1: return results[0] else: return results
[docs] def SEARCH(self, collection, search:str, **kwargs): """ returns the results of querying textIndex of collection """ collection = collection or self._DEFAULT_COLLECTION assert collection, "collection must be of type str" return self.GET(collection, search=search, **kwargs)
[docs] def POST(self, collection, record_or_records:typing.Union[typing.List, typing.Dict]): """ creates new record(s) and returns MongoDB response document """ db = self.get_database() collection = collection or self._DEFAULT_COLLECTION assert collection, "collection must be of type str" collection = db[collection] if isinstance(record_or_records, (list, tuple)): return collection.insert_many(record_or_records) elif isinstance(record_or_records, dict): return collection.insert_one(record_or_records) else: raise TypeError("invalid record_or_records type '{}' provided".format(type(record_or_records)))
[docs] def PUT(self, collection, record_or_records:typing.Union[typing.List, typing.Dict]): """ creates or replaces record(s) with exact _id provided, _id is required with record object(s) returns original document, if replaced """ db = self.get_database() collection = collection or self._DEFAULT_COLLECTION assert collection, "collection must be of type str" collection = db[collection] if isinstance(record_or_records, (list, tuple)): assert all([ record.get("_id", None) for record in record_or_records ]), "not all records provided contained an _id" return collection.insert_many(record_or_records, ordered=False) elif isinstance(record_or_records, dict): assert record_or_records.get("_id", None), "no _id provided" query = {"_id": record_or_records["_id"]} return collection.find_one_and_replace(query, record_or_records, upsert=True) else: raise TypeError("invalid record_or_records type '{}' provided".format(type(record_or_records)))
def _check_if_list_mode(self, results): if self._LIST_MODE: results = list(results) return results
[docs] def REPLACE(self, collection, original, replacement, upsert:bool=False): db = self.get_database() collection = collection or self._DEFAULT_COLLECTION assert collection, "collection must be of type str" collection = db[collection] return collection.replace_one({"_id": original}, replacement, upsert=upsert)
[docs] def PATCH(self, collection, id_or_query:typing.Union[DOC_ID, typing.Dict, typing.List, str], updates:typing.Union[typing.Dict, typing.List], upsert:bool=False, w:int=1): db = self.get_default_database() collection = collection or self._DEFAULT_COLLECTION assert collection, "collection not provided" collection = db[collection] if w != 1: WRITE = WriteConcern(w=w) collection = collection.with_options(write_concern=WRITE) if isinstance(id_or_query, (str, DOC_ID.__supertype__)): assert isinstance(updates, dict), "updates must be dict" id_or_query, _ = self._process_record_id_type(id_or_query) query = {"_id": id_or_query} set_on_insert_id = {"$setOnInsert": query} updates.update(set_on_insert_id) return collection.update_one(query, updates, upsert=upsert) elif isinstance(id_or_query, dict): assert isinstance(updates, dict), "updates must be dict" return collection.update_many(id_or_query, updates, upsert=upsert) elif isinstance(id_or_query, (tuple, list)): assert isinstance(updates, (tuple, list)), "updates must be list or tuple" results = [] for i, _id in enumerate(id_or_query): _id, _ = self._process_record_id_type(_id) query = {"_id": _id} set_on_insert_id = {"$setOnInsert": query} updates[i].update(set_on_insert_id) results.append(collection.update_one(query, updates[i], upsert=upsert)) return results else: raise Error("unidentified error")
[docs]class SyncIODoc(SyncIOClient): """ Custom MongoClient subclass with customizations for creating standardized documents and adding json schema validation. """ _MONGO_URI = lambda _: getattr(Config, "MONGO_URI", None) _DOC_TYPE:str = None #: MongoDB collection to use _DOC_ID:str = "_id" #: _DOC_SAMPLE:str = None _DOC_SCHEMA:str = None _DOC_MARSHMALLOW:str = False _DOC_DEFAULTS:dict = {} _DOC_RESTRICTED_KEYS:list = [] _DOC_ENUMS:list = [] _DOC_SETTINGS:str = "settings" def __init__(self, _id=None, doc_type:str=None, doc_sample:typing.Union[typing.Dict, str]=None, doc_schema:typing.Union[typing.Dict, str]=None, doc_id:str=None, mongo_uri:str=None, **kwargs): self._MONGO_URI = mongo_uri or self._MONGO_URI if callable(self._MONGO_URI): self._MONGO_URI = self._MONGO_URI() # INFO: set default collection self._DOC_TYPE = doc_type or self._DOC_TYPE assert self._DOC_TYPE, "collection must be of type str" self._DEFAULT_COLLECTION = self._DOC_TYPE # INFO: location for sample record, used as template self._DOC_SAMPLE = doc_sample or self._DOC_SAMPLE # INFO: path to validation schema self._DOC_SCHEMA = doc_schema or self._DOC_SCHEMA # INFO: sets the unique id field for the document, if any (cannot be _id) self._DOC_ID = doc_id or self._DOC_ID assert self._DOC_ID, "unique id field name must be of type str" for kwarg in kwargs.keys(): if kwarg.lower() in ('doc_marshmallow', 'doc_defaults', 'doc_restricted_keys', "doc_enums"): setattr(self, "_{}".format(kwarg.upper()), kwargs.pop(kwarg)) # Initial Record object with sample else start blank dict if self._DOC_SAMPLE: if isinstance(self._DOC_SAMPLE, str): sample_full_path = os_path.join(Config.JSON_SAMPLE_PATH, self._DOC_SAMPLE) with open(sample_full_path) as file1: sample = json_load( elif isinstance(self._DOC_SAMPLE, dict): sample = self._DOC_SAMPLE else: raise TypeError("_DOC_SAMPLE is invalid type '{}', valid types are dict and str".format(type(self._DOC_SAMPLE))) sample_parent_found = sample.pop("__parent__", None) while sample_parent_found: parent_sample_full_path = os_path.join(Config.JSON_SAMPLE_PATH, sample_parent_found) with open(parent_sample_full_path) as _file: parent_sample = json_load( parent_sample.update(sample) sample = parent_sample sample_parent_found = sample.pop("__parent__", None) self.sample = sample else: self.sample = {} # INFO: Load schema else start blank dict to add manual validation entries if self._DOC_SCHEMA: if isinstance(self._DOC_SCHEMA, str): schema_full_path = os_path.join(Config.JSON_SCHEMA_PATH, self._DOC_SCHEMA) with open(schema_full_path) as _file: self.schema = json_load( elif isinstance(self._DOC_SCHEMA, dict): self.schema = self._DOC_SCHEMA else: raise TypeError("_DOC_SCHEMA is invalid type '{}', valid types are dict and str".format(type(self._DOC_SCHEMA))) else: self.schema = {} SyncIOClient.__init__(self, **kwargs) db = self.get_default_database() if not getattr(db, "name", None) or == "None": raise Exception("database not provided in MongoDB URI") else: self._DOC_DB = # Initialize enums if not self._DOC_ENUMS: pass #enums_record = self.GET(self._DOC_SETTINGS, "enums" # INFO: If class has a _DOC_ID assigned, create unique index if self._DOC_ID != "_id": self.INDEX(self._DOC_TYPE, key=self._DOC_ID, sort=1, unique=True) self.load(_id) def __repr__(self): if self.RECORD.get("_id", None): _id = return f"<cervmongo.SyncIODoc.{self._DOC_DB}.{self._DOC_TYPE}.{self._DOC_ID}:{_id}>" else: return "<cervmongo.SyncIODoc>" def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self): self.close() def _process_restrictions(self, record:dict=None): """removes restricted keys from record and return record""" try: if record: assert isinstance(record, (MongoDictResponse, dict)), "Needs to be a dictionary, got {}".format(type(record)) return {key: value for key, value in record.items() if not key in self._DOC_RESTRICTED_KEYS} else: return {key: value for key, value in self.RECORD.items() if not key in self._DOC_RESTRICTED_KEYS} except: logger.exception("encountered error when cleaning self.RECORD, returning empty dict") return {} def _p_r(self, record:dict=None): """truncated alias for _process_restrictions""" return self._process_restrictions(record=record) def _generate_unique_id(self, template:str="{total}", **kwargs): return template.format(**kwargs).upper() def _timestamp(self, value:str=None): if value: try: value = dateparse(value) except: value = current_datetime() else: value = current_datetime() return value def _guess_corresponding_fieldname(self, _type:str="unknown", related_field:str=""): time_fields = ("date", "datetime", "time") if _type in time_fields: # NOTE: a timestamp is 'mostly' accompanied by a user or relation if related_field: if "_" in related_field: field_parts = related_field.split("_") elif "-" in related_field: field_parts = related_field.split("-") else: field_parts = related_field.split() for field_part in field_parts: field_part = field_part.strip(" _-").lower() if any(x in field_part for x in time_fields): continue else: return f"{field_part}_by" return "for" else: return "by" else: # NOTE: an unknown type field has a timestamp pairing or desc if related_field: return f"{related_field}_description" else: return "field_description" def _related_record(self, collection=None, field:str="_id", value=False, additional:dict={}): additional.update({ field: True }) record = self.GET(collection, {field: value}, fields=additional, one=True, empty={}) assert record, 'Error: No record found' record['key'] = field record['collection'] = collection record[field] = record[field] return record
[docs] def load(self, _id=None): # If _id specified on init, load actual record versus blank template if _id: if self._DOC_ID: self.RECORD = self.GET(self._DOC_TYPE, {self._DOC_ID: _id}, one=True) else: self.RECORD = self.GET(self._DOC_TYPE, _id) else: self.RECORD = copy.deepcopy(self.sample) if not self.RECORD: self.RECORD = {} return StandardResponse( data=self._p_r(self.RECORD), details={ "state": "unsaved" if not self.RECORD.get("_id", None) else "saved", "unique_id": self._DOC_ID })
[docs] def view(self, _id=False): if not _id: return StandardResponse(data=self._p_r(self.RECORD)) else: if self._DOC_ID: return StandardResponse( data=self._p_r(self.GET(self._DOC_TYPE, {self._DOC_ID: _id}, one=True, empty={})), details={ "unique_id": self._DOC_ID } ) else: return StandardResponse( data=self._p_r(self.GET(self._DOC_TYPE, {"_id": _id}, one=True, empty={})), details={ "unique_id": self._DOC_ID } )
[docs] def reload(self): assert self.RECORD.get("_id") self.RECORD = self.GET(self._DOC_TYPE, self.RECORD["_id"]) return { "data": self._p_r(self.RECORD), "details": { "unique_id": self._DOC_ID } }
[docs] def id(self): return self.RECORD.get(self._DOC_ID, None)
[docs] def create(self, save:bool=False, trigger=None, template:str="{total}", query:dict={}, **kwargs): assert self.RECORD.get("_id") is None, """Cannot use create method on an existing record. Use patch method instead.""" if self._DOC_MARSHMALLOW: self._DOC_MARSHMALLOW().load(kwargs) self.RECORD.update(kwargs) elif self.sample: # INFO: removing invalid keys based on sample record [ silent_drop_kwarg(kwargs, x, reason="not in self.sample") for x in list(kwargs.keys()) if not x in self.sample ] self.RECORD.update(kwargs) else: self.RECORD.update(kwargs) kwargs['total'] = str(self.GET(self._DOC_TYPE, query).count() + 1).zfill(6) if self._DOC_ID and not self.RECORD.get(self._DOC_ID): self.RECORD[self._DOC_ID] = self._generate_unique_id(template=template, **kwargs) if save: return { "data": self._p_r(self.RECORD), "details": {"unique_id": self._DOC_ID, "collection": self._DOC_TYPE, "_id": self.RECORD[self._DOC_ID]} }
[docs] def push(self, **kwargs): assert self.RECORD.get("_id"), """Cannot use push method on a non-existing record. Use create method instead.""" if "_id" in kwargs: kwargs.pop("_id") self.PATCH(None, self.RECORD["_id"], {"$push": kwargs}) self.reload() keys = list(kwargs.keys()) values = [ kwargs[key] for key in keys ] return { "data": self._p_r(self.RECORD), "details": { "action": "push", "desc": "push a value to end of array, not set", "field": kwargs.keys(), "value": kwargs.values() } }
[docs] def pull(self, **kwargs): assert self.RECORD.get("_id"), """Cannot use pull method on a non-existing record. Use create method instead.""" if "_id" in kwargs: kwargs.pop("_id") self.PATCH(None, self.RECORD["_id"], {"$pull": kwargs}) self.reload() keys = list(kwargs.keys()) values = [ kwargs[key] for key in keys ] return { "data": self._p_r(self.RECORD), "details": { "action": "pull", "desc": "pull all instances of a value from an array", "field": kwargs.keys(), "value": kwargs.values() } }
[docs] def increment(self, query:dict={}, **kwargs): assert self.RECORD.get("_id"), """Cannot use increment method on a non-existing record. Use create method instead.""" if "_id" in kwargs: kwargs.pop("_id") query.update({"_id": self.RECORD["_id"]}) self.PATCH(None, query, {"$inc": kwargs}, multi=True) self.reload() keys = list(kwargs.keys()) values = [ kwargs[key] for key in keys ] return { "data": self._p_r(self.RECORD), "details": { "action": "increment", "desc": "increment the integer fields by the amount provided", "field": keys, "increment": values } }
[docs] def update(self, query:dict={}, **kwargs): assert self.RECORD.get("_id"), """Cannot use increment method on a non-existing record. Use create method instead.""" if "_id" in kwargs: kwargs.pop("_id") query.update({"_id": self.RECORD["_id"]}) keys = list(kwargs.keys()) old_values = [ self.RECORD.get(key, None) for key in keys ] self.PATCH(None, query, {"$set": kwargs}, multi=True) self.reload() new_values = [ self.RECORD.get(key, None) for key in keys ] return { "data": self._p_r(self.RECORD), "details": { "action": "update", "desc": "replace existing field values with new values", "field": keys, "values_old": old_values, "values_new": new_values } }
[docs] def patch(self, save=False, trigger=None, **kwargs): assert self.RECORD.get("_id"), """Cannot use patch method on a non-existing record.Use create method instead.""" if "_id" in kwargs: kwargs.pop("_id") if self._DOC_MARSHMALLOW: _DOC_MARSHMALLOW().load(kwargs, partial=True) self.RECORD.update(kwargs) elif self.sample: assert all([ x in self.sample for x in kwargs.keys()]) self.RECORD.update(kwargs) else: self.RECORD.update(kwargs) if save: return { "data": self._p_r(self.RECORD), "details": { "processed": True, "diff": kwargs } }
[docs] def save(self, trigger=None): _id = None if self._DOC_DEFAULTS: for key, value in self._DOC_DEFAULTS.items(): if not self.RECORD.get(key, None): self.RECORD[key] = value if self.RECORD.get("_id", None): _id = self.RECORD.pop("_id", None) try: if self._DOC_MARSHMALLOW: self._DOC_MARSHMALLOW().load(self.RECORD) else: validate(self.RECORD, self.schema) except: raise else: if _id: self.RECORD["_id"] = _id self.PUT(None, self.RECORD) else: result = self.POST(None, self.RECORD) self.RECORD["_id"] = result.inserted_id if trigger: trigger() return { "data": self._p_r(self.RECORD), "details": {} }
[docs] def close(self): # TODO: clean closing logic self.load() return { "data": self.RECORD, "details": {} }
[docs] def add_relation(self, key, *args, **kwargs): self.RECORD[key] = self._related_record(*args, **kwargs) return { "data": self._p_r(self.RECORD), "details": {"key": key, "relation": self.RECORD[key]} }
[docs] def add_timestamp(self, key, value=None, relation={}): self.RECORD[key] = self._timestamp(value) if relation: related_key = relation.pop("key", self._guess_corresponding_fieldname(_type="datetime", related_field=key)) self.add_relation(related_key, **relation) return { "data": self._p_r(self.RECORD), "details": {"key": key, "value": self.RECORD[key]} }
[docs] def add_object(self, field, object_name=None, key=None, value=None, **kwargs): if not object_name: if not key: self.RECORD[field] = {} else: self.RECORD[field] = {key: value if value else self.GENERATE_ID()} else: template_path = os_path.join(TEMPLATE_PATH, object_name + ".json") assert os.path.exists(template_path), "path does not exist" with open(template_path) as file1: self.RECORD[field] = json_load( if key: self.RECORD[field][key] = value if value else self.GENERATE_ID() return { "data": self._p_r(self.RECORD), "details": {field: self.RECORD[field], "state": "unsaved"} }
[docs]def get_client() -> SyncIOClient: """returns SyncIOClient class""" return SyncIOClient
[docs]def get_doc() -> SyncIODoc: """returns SyncIODoc class""" return SyncIODoc